Other Membership Benefits
- Free Music Courses
- Discounts on More Extensive Courses
- Access to Specialized Seminars, for example, "Mastering Barre Chords", "Reading Traditional Music"
- Special PlayAlong Sessions
- Access to 100's of online playalong songs
- Much more...
Why Join the Good Vibrations Music Club?
The Good Vibrations Music Club offers you the perfect opportunity to learn the Guitar or Ukulele with a live instructor and in a supportive group of new Guitar or Ukulele players.
Two major differences between our Club and other Guitar courses:
- Membership is much cheaper because we are a non-profit organization, and
- Members can take all courses for one membership fee. For example, a member can take both the guitar and ukulele courses at the same time for one low membership fee.
Members of the Good Vibrations Community Music Club are automatically eligible to participate in all instructional classes as well as any of our bands, ensembles or PlayAlong groups.
Please indicate the class or activity you are interested in registering for. Registered members are eligible for all other currently available services.
Membership is open to all who are interested. Residents of the Waterloo Region may attend our in-person sessions. All members can attend the Online Sessions, streamed via Zoom.
Programs - Fall 2024 and Winter 2025
Open to all Members
Ukulele for Beginners
Learn the Ukulele in a small group setting. You will learn how to play chords and simple melodies, and how to strum along with familiar songs. You will be part of a vibrant playalong group of fellow Uke players.- Group Leader - Alice Miller
Guitar for Brand New Beginners
Learn the Guitar in a small group setting. Play chords and simple melodies, and strum along with familiar songs.- Group Leader - Rick Hendershot
Guitar PlayAlong Group - Next Level
This group is for guitar players with a bit of experience. Play along with songs, learn chords and music theory, play in different keys and more advanced techniques.- Group Leader - Rick Hendershot
Contact us for more details, including meeting times and locations.