Level 1 - Songs for New Guitar Players
Rick Hendershot, Instructor
===================================================Songs for Beginners - Tabs
1. Happy Birthday in G2. Happy Birthday in C
3. Jingle Bells in G
4. If You're Happy and You Know it in G
5. Row Row Your Boat in G
6. You Are My Sunshine in G
7. Ode to Joy - in G
8. Hallelujah
Songs for Beginners - Chords
1. Ode to Joy - G2. El Condor Pasa - Em
3. Don't Worry Be Happy - G
4. Happy Birthday in G
5. Jingle Bells in G
6. You Are My Sunshine in G
7. Three Blind Mice in G
8. Three Blind Mice in C
9. Toomba Toomba in Am
10. Amazing Grace in G
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